Medical evidence suggests that exercise can be beneficial for people with following disorders, provided that it is carried out under proper supervision. Please complete the form below.

Have you suffered from any of the following medical conditions?

High Blood Pressure / Hypertension




Asthma or Respiratory Illness

Osteoporosis (Brittle Bones)


Do you Exercise Regularly?

Have you suffered from any of the following medical conditions?

Do you smoke?

(If so, how many cigarettes per day?)

Are you pregnant?

Have you had a baby

in the last 6 months?

Have you had any major operations

or bone fractures?

Clients suffering from Asthma, Diabetes or Angina must always have their medication with them and show it to the instructor before commencing any exercise program.

I hereby acknowledge that the nature of the exercise I am about to undertake has been fully explained to me, whilst I am aware that all care will be taken by instructors. I do so at my risk.


read the following instructions carefully before puttiny your signature in the application form:

  • No person under the age of 15 years will be allowed to become a member of the gym.

  • People suffering from any communicable diseases are not permitted to use the gym facilities. Pets, Attendants, Bearers, Drivers, Servants or Associates are not permitted in the gym.

  • The GYM ZEAL is an integral health center and the time you spend here should be dedicated to your health. Should you indulge in any other activity, the authority has a right to take action.

  • Fees once received is non-refundable under any circumstances. Management reserves the right to terminate membership without any prior information. Management is not responsible for any loss or damage of personal belongings.

  • Gym membership is non-transferable. Right of admission is strictly reserved. Guests will be allowed only with a bonafide member.

  • Members must produce their membership card before they enter the gym. The security personnel at the entry point has full right to ask for your card. Management reserves the right of membership cancellation of any person(s) whose character, attitude or conduct if demonstrated is found unacceptable.

  • Use of cell phones is prohibited in the gym. However, if you do so, please put them on silent mode' and deposit them at the reception desk. In case of an emergency, please take your phone outside the gym.

  • Appropriate attire must be worn in the The GYM ZEAL premises (athletic / sports clothing, sports socks and athletic footwear etc.). Separate gym shoes are mandatory. As etiquettes, bare chest is not permissible inside the gym. Outside shoes are strictly not allowed.

  • Members are expected to respect the right of other members and never disturb them in any manner, whatsoever. • Improper use of equipment may result in termination of membership. Members will have to bear any physical damage they incur to club property they use.

  • Smoking, drinking and use of tobacco or drugs is strictly prohibited in the gym premises. Photography and videos are also prohibited.

  • The GYM ZEAL ensures maximum security to members (kindly refer to security instructions / regulations).

  • Vehicle parking is at owner's risk.


The Security Access System is designed to ensure that non-members, and other unauthorized persons, do not enter the premises. This is for the member's protection as well as allowing extended hours for member's convenience. It 15 imperative that the Security Access System be utilized correctly and consistently for the protection of all. Any breach in these procedures will not be tolerated and will result in immediate termination of membership.

The security access pass card keyed door must not be opened for any person, at any time, regardless of the reason. If the person does not have an Active Pass Card, he/she does not have the right to enter. This is for the safety and protection of all patrons, and will be STRICTLY ENFORCED.

Only one person may enter the premises at a time. The door must be closed completely behind you before the next person can key their card. Tampering with controls or monitor avoidance is not permitted. Unannounced card checks may be conducted by The GYM ZEAL at any time, at the discretion of management.

I truly understand and agree to abide by the above terms and conditions laid down as per gym guidelines.